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January 23, 2009


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this movement has been for a long time and I think it created a scene of fans and collectors, it is remarkable value that they have acquired some copies and the passion that this has generated through the years, excellent blog.!this movement has been for a long time and I think it created a scene of fans and collectors, it is remarkable value that they have acquired some copies and the passion that this has generated through the years, excellent blog.!

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But that's not the biggest problem with my goddess story. I think the biggest problem is that it's too unambiguous.


I actually write/draw a comic where the main character is a girl stuck in a male body (I've put the link in the "URL" box in this comment form) and I notice the lack of comics with this theme. Perhaps it is linked to the greater visibility of MTFs, even though the characters longing to return to their original male bodies are technically FTMs, because the character is transformed (unwillingly, mind) from male to female.

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Lovely image! Is Twin Peaks really as good as advertized? I’m fairly familiar with the world and its lexicon, but I’ve never seen an episode. Is it worth watching?

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