Oh man, getting hormone refills. This'll be the last refill, I think. It's just not a good idea to keep actively transitioning in Iraq. Never mind the full-on possibility of outing, he chance that someone might noticed that I was a little bit different, that I was a little less than perfectly hetero-normative, that could be mean trouble for me.
It might seem a little weird, but despite my fear of them, I really and truly believe that most of the people in my unit a good, hard working, moral people. It's just that despite that fact that these are hard working, honest professionals, there is not one of them who I would trust not to murder me in my sleep if they knew I was trans.
The Army is such a strange place like that. I don't know what it is, but something activates this protective hyper-masculinism in Army guys. At drill about two months ago, I listened to this fellow, Little E-3 let's call im, bragging about how he beat "a gay" for "slapping his ass in highschool." Now, you maybe be wondering why I put "a gay" and "slapping his ass in high school" is quotes. It's because these aren't real things. While it's possible that Little E-3 was at some point physically aggressive to non-heteronormative fellow at his high school, it's not really the point.
Those terms are just variables, place-holders. The story isn't about the actual fact of the violence, no. The story is about how a) Little E-3 a powerful, manly member of the heteronormative class of males, b) Little E-3's position as a manly man at some point, and c) through the power of manly violence, Little E-3 was about to successfully defend his position as a many man.
It's an old story. Lot's of rough young guys like to tell it. It helps them feel like they're something big, or that others see them as something big.
The problem comes, I think, when folks like Little E-3 get into a situation where they are afraid that if they don't act violently, violently in a manly way, that they will be in danger of falling from that most glorious, highly honored of places, heteronormative man-ness.
A recent example of that, in the barracks on a training mission last year, another one of the E-3s kept leaving his music on late at night. He wouldn't use headphones for whatever reason, and would fall asleep with his music playing. Now, when you've been wet from the rain, cold from the wind, and are bone tired, it's easy to fall asleep no matter how much shitty Top 40 music is coming from the next rack. The problem is, two or three hours later that mess will wake you up, especially if it's just loud enough that you can hear it, sort of make out the melody, but not quite loud enough to locate exactly where it's coming from without waking up more than you already have. You can't quite identify it, and you can't quite ignore it. It's fucking awful.
Any, this kid left his music playing three damn nights in a row. After the second night I pulled him aside and advised him that annoying the shit out of folks is not the best way to make friends and get ahead in the unit. He apparently ignored me.
Well, morning after the third night, Little E-3 comes over to the music lover and tells him that if the music gets left on again, he's going to pee on him.
Little E-3 threatened to pee on the other guy.
Now, that might strike you as pretty gay. I don't like to throw that word around, but here, well, thats sort of threat seems more than vaguely homoerotic.
And of course, it being the Army, a third guy picked up on the homoeroticism and started making fun of Little E-3 about it. Little E-3 goes red, swings, and suddenly both guys are down on the floor scraping and cursing. Folks near them jump in, pull them apart, and it's over.
And of course, not everybody in the Army is like Little E-3. Most folks just want to work hard, do their job, and go home. But there are a lot of Little E-3s, and sometimes it's hard to tell if someone is one or not.
Somebody like that found out about the trans thing, my life would be in real danger. Some folks apparently see "not being physically violent towards" as the same thing as "accepting", and "accepting" as the same thing as "also queer."
I don't know why the world's like this.