So apparently Episcopalians don't count. You see this Father Cutie, he left the Roman Catholic church because, shock of shocks, he found love and followed his heart.
But first, full discloser, I've never understood the celibate priest thing. I know I probably need to need more of the theology on the other side, but well, it just doesn't work for me. The Apostle Peter was married, the Apostle James was married, they were, at least according to the Church, two of the first big bishops, so why then shouldn't folks be free to follow their example?
But then again, I also can't understand the theology of any church that refuses women a shot at ordination, so maybe I'm just not good at churches when they ain't Episcopal.
But here's what bugs me about this article: It's set up as if it is describing some great tragedy, some great fall from grace. There's no hint of joy. For goodness sake, this fellow is marrying someone he loves and in the process of becoming a priest in one of the finest churches on Earth! What could be more wonderful!
But no, no, the writer of the article feels the need to point out that "There is no word yet if Cutié and Canellis will have a religious ceremony."
Yeah, because why would a priest have a church wedding? He doesn't have the nod of the Pope, and therefore he must have totally reject Christ and all goodness.
Episcopalians FTW! I totally agree that the entire church-with-a-small-c needs to have a greater understanding that SEXUALITY IS OKAY.
Posted by: --eg | June 17, 2009 at 08:58 PM