So, I'm down in Washington DC for a day or two before I head out on the deployment.
First, man, DC is an awesome place to walk around. You hear about all these places, the Justice Department, the Capital, the FBI, the White House. You hear about them all the time, so regularly that they seem less like brick and mortar buildings full of flesh and blood people and more like... Platonic forms or something.
Somehow it's very comforting to walk around and see them in their reality.
Right now I'm sitting the food court of the Smithsonian Air and Space Museum. This place is cool and all, what with talking about America's space race, but I swear, all the exibits talking about the possible future of technology, those exibits can't be less thank twenty years old(Seriously, I've seen three references so far to “affordable two-way television wristwatches")
I already hit the Natural History Muesem, and still need to walk down to Lincoln Memorial and the Wall.
The first time I saw the Wall, I was here with my dad. He'd brought some paper and a pencil, and carefully took rubbings of two of some of the names. My dad, he has some stories from Vietnam that he likes to tell, some that he tells rarely, and some I've only heard parts of. The Wall means a lot to him. When I was growing up there was sometimes a traveling replica of the Wall that would pass by, and if it was within an hour or two of us, he'd load up all the kids and take us to see it.